With Christmas shopping underway, this is prime theft season. If you leave any items of value in open view in your vehicle, you could be targeted by thieves. Place your purchases in a trunk or under a coat, for example, as a precaution, and always lock your vehicles, even at home.
Additionally, leaving large boxes such as a computer or large screen t.v. box out in the driveway on trash day will also let potential thieves know you have something of value in your home.
Blair Police Chief Joe Lager recommends breaking down those boxes taking them to recycling or putting them inside the garbage containers to help deter burglaries. He also recommends keeping doors and windows in your home locked.
By the way, if you want to recycle materials, the Washington County Recycling Association is open to the public every Saturday from 8am til noon, and on Tuesday afternoons for area businesses. Volunteers are always needed as well. You can find out more about the non-profit organization online at recyclewashingtoncounty.org