95 year old Robert Petersen of Blair and Herman passed away March 16th. He is survived by his wife, Coleeta, sons Kent and, Greg, Daughters Lori Wilburn and Tami Thompson and their families. Visitation is Friday at noon, the funeral service starts at 1:30, both at the Herman American Legion. A Military service follows at the Herman Cemetery
71 year old Patrick Salsbury died March 10th. Graveside services will be Thursday 11am at the Blair Cemetery.
Details at campbellaman.com
68 year old Matthew Shores of Fort Calhoun passed away March 11th. He is survived by his companion, Kathy Jensen and his children, Joe, Mike, Michelle and his brother Jim and other family members. A Celebration of Life will be announced in the upcoming weeks.
Details at Sieverssprickfuneralhome.com
92 year old Bill Wehrmann of Blair, formerly of Fremont, passed away March 3rd. A celebration of Life is this Friday 10am at Trinity Lutheran Church in Blair.
Details at ludvigsenmortuary.com