98 year old Jeanette Schneider passed away October 19th. She is survived by her sons Dave and Dan Schneider and their families. Visitation will be Wednesday, November 9th from 5 to 8 pm at Campbell Aman, Graveside services will follow in the German Cemetery.
73 year old Patty Wright of Blair passed away October 17th. She is survived by her husband Sam Wright, children Waylon Wright and Bree Tranmer, siblings Lynda Truhlsen, Jim Dein and other family members. Visitation is tomorrow from 5 to 8pm at Campbell Aman.
Details at Campbellaman.com
93 year old Lois Stamp Harris of Blair died October 21st. She is survived by her children Cheryl Fleming and Kevin Harris and other family members. Visitation is this Thursday 11am, the funeral follows at noon, both at Forest Lawn Funeral Home.
86 year old Glenn Vlcek of Ponca Hills died October 19th, he was a long time member of the Ponca Hills Fire Department. He is survived by his wife, Jane, his sister Kay VerMehren, other family members and his peers at the Ponca Hills Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department. Visitation is this Wednesday, 5 to 7 at Forest Lawn, the funeral is Thursday, 9:30 at the Ponca Hills Fire Department.
Details on these two services can be found online at forestlawnomaha.com.
89 year old Mary Cain Chamberlain of Tekamah passed away Thursday, she was a teachers aide at Herman Elementary. She is survived by her children Carol Bose and Paul Chamberlain and other family members. Visitation is tomorrow, 1 to 2pm, the funeral starts at 2, both at First Presbyterian Church of Tekamah.
Details online at pelanfuneralservices.com