22 year old Holden Thomas Mead of Port Orchard, Washington, formerly of Blair, passed away June 25th in an automobile accident. He is survived by parents Philip and Heather Mead, sister Taylor and her husband, Eric, and other family members. Visitation is July 10th, 5-8pm at First United Methodist Church of Blair. The funeral is July 11th, 3pm at First Lutheran Church of Blair.
66 year old Gary Park of Blair passed away June 28th, plans for a memorial gathering are pending.
Details on these two services can be found at campbellaman.com
72 year old Doug Larson of Waverly passed away July 2nd. He was a Dana Alumni. He is survived by his wife, Marilyn, children Danielle Larson and John Larson and other family members. Funeral service is tomorrow, 11am at First Plymouth Church in Lincoln.
Details at roperandsons.com
73 year old Larry Alexander of Fort Calhoun passed away July 1st. He is survived by his wife, Patty, daughters Denise and Terry, step children James, Tammy and Nicole Robertson, the latter of Fort Calhoun, along with other family members. Visitation is July 8th, 10am, the Funeral follows at 11, both at John A Gentleman.
Details at johnagentleman.com