458 people are infected with Covid 19 – over the past seven days - in the Three Rivers Public Health Department district. That number is down from the previous survey of 600. Of those numbers, 82 in Saunders County, 249 in Dodge, and 127 in Washington County. Most of the infections are in people aged 30 to 39. The second highest group of infections is in the 20 to 29 year olds.
Testing and vaccination information is available at threeriverspublichealth.org.
75 newly confirmed cases of the Novel Corona Virus over the past seven days reported by Harrison County Home and Public Health – Most of those cases in the 18 to 40 year olds. 20 of those cases are in Missouri Valley, 17 in Logan, 15 in Woodbine and the remainder of the communities in Harrison County have fewer than ten cases each.
Testing and vaccination information can be found at harrisoncountypublichealth.org.