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COVID-19 Update 12.23.21

2,052 newly confirmed cases of the Novel Corona Virus over the past seven days in Nebraska according to state health officials, bringing the total positive cases to 330,181. Iowa’s health department says 9,472 newly confirmed cases over the last seven days are reported in the Hawkeye state, bringing the total of those infected to 607,922.

Three Rivers Public Health Department says 224 cases of Covid 19 are reported over seven days in the entire district, out of those numbers – Saunders has 49, Dodge 118, and Washington County – 57 of our neighbors and friends are confirmed as having the novel corona virus.

Figures from the Harrison County Home and Public Health agency, just released today show 53 new cases in the last 7 days, 22 in Missouri Valley, 13 in Logan, Woodbine and Dunlap both have 4 cases. The rest of those cases are scattered in the rest of the county.


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