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COVID-19 Update 12.16.21

223 newly confirmed cases of the Novel Corona Virus over the last seven days reported in Saunders, Dodge and Washington Counties. Three Rivers Public Health Department figures show 46 of those cases in Saunders County, 125 in Dodge, and 52 of our friends and neighbors in Washington County are infected with that virus.

A Harrison County, Iowa woman in the 61 to 80 years of age range has passed away from Covid 19. The county home and public health agency shows that there are 50 new cases of the virus over the past 7 days. Out of that number, 14 were reported in Missouri Valley, 16 in Logan, 13 cases in Woodbine and the remainder are located in various parts of Harrison County.

Testing and Vaccination information can be found online at in Nebraska and in Iowa.


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