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Community Calendar: Mar 12, 2025


The Mandy Jo Rounds Memorial Foundation Fundraiser is March 24th at the Blair American Legion. Pulled Pork and side dishes, several activities are included in that event from noon til 4. Funds raised will go towards the Mandy Jo Rounds scholarship and towards the Blair Dog Park

Putt Putt for Veterans is Saturday, March 15th starting at noon with several locations to choose from. More details are available at 402-427-4556

Arlington High School will present Meredith Willson’s “The Music Man” starting Friday, March 21st starting at 7pm, another performance Saturday, March 22nd at 2pm and the final performance is Sunday, March 23rd at 7pm – all at the Arlington High School Gym. Admission is 12 dollars for adults, eight for students and seniors.

The Birthing, Baby and Beyond Class is Saturday, March 22nd at Blair’s Memorial Community Hospital, 8:30 to 12:30. Labor and delivery tours, car seat safety and more. It’s free, but you do need to register – you can text hashtag MCH Baby Class

 If you drive by the Washington County Fairgrounds in Arlington, you will see a new drop box for Joseph’s Coat Donations. Those donations then go to the Joseph’s Coat Thrift store – and funds from what is sold goes directly into the Washington County Food Bank.

Those are a few of the happenings in our area. If you would like your non-profit event on the Blair Radio Community Calendar, it’s free! Just email that information to


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