The Arbor Care Center of Tekamah is collecting donations for residents for Christmas, items such as socks, word game books. Hats and more. A donation box is located at the front entrance. Those donations will be accepted now through December 20th.'
This month’s Women’s Connection is Tuesday, December 10th at Christ Lutheran Church at the former Dana Campus in Blair. The speaker is Sylvana Airan, who grew up in Pakistan and came to the United States as a student, and discovered Christianity in the process. Tickets are ten dollars and are sold at the door – that price covers the dinner that is served. Reservations are required – Call 402-426-7068
The Mo Valley Kiwanis Pancake Feed is Saturday, December 14th from 8 til noon at Saint Patrick’s Parish Hall, 6th and Huron in Missouri Valley. A free will donation will be accepted, proceeds will help the Missouri Valley High School NASA Camp Trip.
The Bridge from Violence, dedicated to helping those dealing with domestic violence is having an online silent auction is underway now through December 8th...The fundraiser “Festival of Hope” features items and experiences donated by supporters. The link for the auction can be found on the organization’s website, Thebridgefromviolence.com
The Joseph’s Coat’s annual Christmas for the Coat Drive Thru Breakfast is Wednesday, December 11th from 6:30 am til 9am, behind Joseph’s Coat at 17th and Lincoln. it’s a benefit for the Washington County Food Pantry
Those are a few of the happenings in our area. If you would like your non-profit event on the Blair Radio Community Calendar, it’s free! Just email that information to events@blairradio.com