12.06 MONDAY: Supper with Santa 5-7pm – Nickerson Fire Department. Ham/Turkey Meal, pictures with Santa and crafts. Age 11 and over - $10, 10 and under $5, and First Responders $5 Full details on the Nickerson Volunteer Fire & Rescue FB page.
12.07 TUESDAY: Pancake Man at West Harrison High School, 4:30pm-7pm $8 Adult/student 6-12 grade, $5 students k-5. Kids under 4 free. This supports the West Harrison FCCLA.
12.08 WEDNESDAY: Christmas for the Coat – drive through breakfast to benefit the Washington County Food Pantry, 6:30-9am. Tickets are $10 – available at Joseph’s Coat and the Washington County Bank offices in Blair and Fort Calhoun. Full details online at Joseph’s Coat.org
12.10 FRIDAY
12.11 SATURDAY: Herman’s Holiday Festival 3-6pm Herman Legion Hall, family activities, Soups, Hayrack ride, caroling, Tree Lighting 4:45pm in the Par, Christmas in Calhoun, town wide event from 7:30 am to late in the evening. Most events are free, some request donations Complete schedule on the Fort Calhoun Mayor facebook page, Mo Valley Children’s Christmas Party at the Rand Center, 2-3:30 pm, The Missouri Valley Food Pantry’s Christmas Project 11am-2pm and the Little Christmas Store at the Rand Center. Details 712-642-2598, Christmas on the Hill, 750 Angels Share Drive on the former Dana Campus 9am-5pm.
12.12 SUNDAY: Santa comes to Herman, 9am-noon at the Herman Fire Hall, Santa comes to Kennard, 1-3pm Kennard Fire Hall, Tekamah Fire & Rescue Pancake Feed with Santa 7am-noon at the Fire Hall. Santa will arrive at 9am, Christmas on the Hill, 750 Angels Share Drive on the former Dana Campus 1pm-5pm.
12.13 MONDAY: Christmas on the Hill, 750 Angels Share Drive on the former Dana Campus 10am-2pm.
12.14 TUESDAY: Christmas on the Hill, 750 Angels Share Drive on the former Dana Campus 10am-2pm.
12.15 WEDNESDAY: Christmas on the Hill, 750 Angels Share Drive on the former Dana Campus 10am-2pm.
12.16 THURSDAY: Christmas on the Hill, 750 Angels Share Drive on the former Dana Campus 10am-2pm.
12.17 FRIDAY: Christmas on the Hill, 750 Angels Share Drive on the former Dana Campus 10am-2pm.
12.18 SATURDAY: Christmas on the Hill, 750 Angels Share Drive on the former Dana Campus 9am-5pm.
12.19 SUNDAY: Christmas on the Hill, 750 Angels Share Drive on the former Dana Campus 1pm-5pm.
12.20 MONDAY
