59 people in Washington County have been diagnosed as having the Novel Corona Virus. There are 53 people in Saunders County with the virus and 123 in Dodge County over the past seven days – that’s according to the latest information available from Three Rivers Public Health Department.
Two deaths from Covid 19 – a man and a woman both over the age of 81 according to the Harrison County Home and Public Health agency...with 53 newly confirmed cases of Covid 19 – over the past 7 days - 22 of those cases are located in Missouri Valley, 13 in Logan, four each in Dunlap and Woodbine and the remainder of those cases are in various parts of Harrison County.
Testing and Vaccination information for both Covid and the Flu are available online at threeriverspublichealth.org and at harrisoncountypublichealth.org.